Dried Apricot - Kuru Kayisi

The golden egg of the sun as it is called in old ancient ages. Varieties of apricot is endless... The capital city for Apricot is Malatya in Turkey.

You can choose between 200g and 1kg.

Delicious Apricots from Turkey

Indulge in the succulent sweetness of apricots from Turkey, brought to you by Turkish Porter. Our premium-quality apricots are handpicked from the finest orchards in Turkey, known for producing some of the juiciest and most flavorful fruits in the world.

The Versatility of Apricots

Apricots are a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed in various culinary creations. In Turkish cuisine, they are a beloved ingredient, adding a burst of flavor and natural sweetness to both sweet and savory dishes. Here are some examples of how apricots are used in Turkish cuisine:

  • Apricot Compote: A classic Turkish dessert made by simmering apricots with sugar and spices to create a luscious, syrupy compote.
  • Apricot Salad: Fresh apricots can be sliced and added to vibrant salads, combining their sweetness with crisp greens, nuts, and tangy dressings.
  • Apricot Pilaf: In Turkish cuisine, apricots are often incorporated into rice pilaf dishes, infusing the grains with a delicate sweetness.
  • Apricot Chutney: Apricots can be cooked down with aromatic spices and vinegar to create a flavorful chutney that pairs beautifully with cheeses and meats.

The Apricot's Turkish Origins

Turkey is renowned for its apricot production, with regions like Malatya and Bursa being particularly famous for their high-quality apricots. The country's favorable climate and fertile soil create the perfect conditions for apricot trees to thrive, resulting in exceptional fruits that are cherished both locally and internationally.

At Turkish Porter, we take pride in offering you the finest apricots sourced directly from Turkish orchards. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive apricots that are plump, juicy, and bursting with natural goodness.

Whether enjoyed fresh as a wholesome snack, incorporated into delectable desserts, or added to savory dishes, apricots from Turkish Porter will delight your taste buds and transport you to the sunny orchards of Turkey.

Experience the luscious sweetness of Turkish apricots with Turkish Porter. Order your premium apricots today and savor the authentic flavors of Turkey's finest fruits.