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BiOrganix Life Isirgan Otu – Urtica Dioica

Natural Herbals
Stinging nettle is a medicinal plant that has been used for treatment throughout history. When the tube-shaped hairs on the leaves are touched, the chemical acid in its content irritates the skin, causing redness and itching. For this reason, it is necessary to use gloves when collecting the plant, but the stinging effect disappears after this plant is boiled and its strong oils are removed. It has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-ulcer and pain-relieving properties. It is beneficial for cardiovascular, kidney and bone health.

Stinging nettle is an extremely medicinal plant that causes itching and redness when it comes into contact with your skin. This medicinal plant has many uses, and in some cultures it is even made into soup and pastry. However, it is mostly consumed as tea. Stinging nettle, which contains histamine, minerals (calcium, potassium), vitamins A, B2, C, K and D, is protective against many diseases.

It is a plant originating from North Asia, but today it is widely grown all over the world. In general, the leaves and roots are used, but recently the seed has also been widely used. Stinging nettle is used primarily for cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones and bone health.

In the case of a stinging nettle bite, it is important not to touch or scratch the affected area, as touching or scratching can push the chemicals in the nettle further into the skin, prolonging the irritation time. The best thing to do is to wash the area with soap and water. Duct tape can help remove additional fibers. Other traditional anti-itch treatments such as aloe vera, calamine lotion, and cold compresses can also be used.